Direct Pay Incentives for Clean Energy: A Tax Benefit for Local Governments

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Learn how your jurisdiction can take advantage of federal clean energy tax incentives.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains a novel provision that allows local governments – and other “applicable entities” – to benefit from clean energy tax incentives for the first time.  Under the direct pay provision of the IRA, local governments can file for and receive Federal funds for clean energy projects like solar and geothermal for local government facilities and for the purchase of clean vehicles and charging equipment. 

This funding comes through tax credits, not competitive grants.  If a local government is eligible and a project is eligible, the Federal government provides the funding.


During this webinar, our speakers will

  • Explain how direct pay works,
  • The projects that direct pay can be used for,
  • The funding available, and
  • What local governments need to do to file.


  • Debra Perry, Program Director, Clean Energy Programs, ICMA
  • David Eichenthal, Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of the Treasury
  • Taresa Lawrence, Director of State, Local, and Tribal Policy, U.S. Department of Energy
  • Alex Kate Halvey

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